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Having been cut off from pesticides and other farming supplies, Cuban farmers have made the most of their situation and now lead the world in organic farming. ... posted on Jul 30 2001, 699 reads


Known as "the hugging saint," Ammachi, from Southern India, spends 15 hours a day spreading love and compassion through her hugs. For the past thirty years, crowds have lined up daily to experience her warm embrace. To this day, it is reported she has hugged over 20 million times.... posted on Jul 29 2001, 1,145 reads


In a national survey of 1,305 employed adults, 13% reported that they or their coworkers had committed an act that they would describe as "desk rage" out of stress or anger, and nearly one in five had quit a job because of stress.... posted on Jul 28 2001, 823 reads


When people touch or are in proximity, one person's heartbeat signal is registered in the other person's brainwaves.... posted on Jul 27 2001, 1,198 reads


Thoughts and even subtle emotions influence the activity and balance of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). The ANS interacts with our digestive, cardiovascular, immune and hormonal systems. Negative reactions create disorder and imbalance in the ANS while positive feelings such as appreciation create increased order and balance in the ANS, resulting in increased hormonal and immune system bal... posted on Jul 25 2001, 773 reads


Corporations thrive on publicity. One company has found a way to do this while at the same time raising money and awareness for kids in need. Traveling across the country, in a gigantic Kissmobile, Hershey's is raising a significant amount of money for the Children's Miracle Network and children's hospitals along the way.... posted on Jul 24 2001, 1,019 reads


Suicide is now the second leading cause of death among adolescents.... posted on Jul 23 2001, 971 reads


Erik Weihenmayer became the first blind mountaineer to reach the summit of Mount Everest on May 24, 2001.... posted on Jul 22 2001, 1,291 reads


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Travelers, there is no path, paths are made by walking.
Antonio Machado

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